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Admission criteria

The school has an admissions policy for Reception. 

If you require a copy of our admission policies, please contact the school office or alternatively, you  will find the policies in the Policies section of the Statutory information tab.

The school will, as a matter of policy, adopt the same closing date for applications as LA community schools. This date can be found in the 'Starting Out' information that is issued annually to parents.  Late applications will be dealt with after applications that are received on time have been dealt with.  If school is undersubscribed on allocations and late applications exceed the number of places available then the admissions criteria will be applied until all the places have been allocated.  If school is oversubscribed then late applicants will be offered the right to appeal along with those that have not been allocated places.

Class sizes and appeals

In normal circumstances an appeals panel cannot allow a place for a child if this means that the Reception class will have more than 30 full time pupils.

Parents should note that a panel can only uphold an appeal if the decision was not one which a reasonable admissions authority would make in the circumstances of the case or if the child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented.

Secondary Education 

Children transfer to Secondary School in the September following their 11th birthday. Secondary pupils are also taught the National Curriculum. Parents/Carers are free to apply for a place at any High School of their choice.

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