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Relational Policy


St.Peter’s CE is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. This policy guides staff to teach self-discipline not blind compliance. It is underpinned by our Mustard Seed Vision and Christian Values with a heavy emphasis on respectful behaviour, a partnership approach to managing poor conduct and dynamic interventions that support staff and learners.

The school has 3 simple rules ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe’ which can be applied to a variety of situations and are taught and modelled explicitly. We also understand that for some children following our behaviour expectations are beyond their developmental level. In this case, these children will have bespoke positive behaviour plans which may include rewards to reinforce positive behaviour.

• We create a positive school culture and climate which is consistent, safe and caring that fosters connection, inclusion, respect and value for all members of the school community, promoting strong relationships between staff, pupils and their parents/carers. This culture and climate is underpinned by our Mustard Seed Vision and Christian Values.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • We recognise that being ‘fair’ is not about everyone getting the same (equality) but about everyone getting what they need (equity) through appropriate support.                • Staff understand that behaviour is a form of communication of an emotional need (whether conscious or unconscious). With support to self-regulate through unconditional positive regard, pupils can be helped to behave in more socially acceptable/appropriate ways. That relationships are key and that there is “connection before correction”            • Pupils are provided with excellent role models (alternative attachment figures who provide a secure base and the connection necessary to support correction.                         • Staff use attachment friendly restorative approaches in their interactions with pupils taking a non-judgmental, curious and empathic attitude towards behaviour, responding in a way that focuses on the feelings and emotions that might drive certain behaviour, rather than the behaviour itself. Children and young people with behavioural difficulties need to be regarded as vulnerable rather than troublesome, and we all have a duty to explore this vulnerability

As a school we recognise that encouragement, praise and positive reinforcement teaches pupils that appropriate behaviour choices have good consequences. This can be used to recognise and reinforce appropriate behaviour. We recognise and reward learners who go ‘over and above’ our standards. Our staff understand that at St.Peter’s we recognise that the use of praise in developing a positive atmosphere in the classroom cannot be underestimated and a quiet word of personal praise can be as effective as a larger, more public reward. It is the key to developing positive relationships, including with those learners who are hardest to reach.

Positive rewards include:

  • Stickers
  • Fish (awarded via Fish Cards) for living out our Christian Values, Mustard Seed Vision and for being ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’.  A weekly raffle takes place in our Celebration Collective Worship and one pupil is chosen from each class to have ‘Hot Chocolate with the Head’.
  • During our weekly Celebration Worship, we also present the ‘St Peter’s Champion’ award to a pupil from each class who has demonstrated one of our Christian Values.
  • Midday staff also select a lunchtime champion from each class during Celebration Worship. This is awarded to a pupil who has shown exemplary behaviour and manners.
  • Weekly Positive Phone Calls with parents/carers
  • Marbles are awarded in class for team work and collaboration. Once the jars are full, pupils are awarded a class treat (extra playtime, trip to the park etc).
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