Welcome to Year Five with Miss Kirby and Mrs Walker!
This half term in History, we are learning all about the Vikings.
We are swimming every Friday afternoon. Please ensure children come with their swimming kit (full costume for girls and swimming shorts for boys) and a towel. Long hair should be tied back and all jewellery should be removed.
Our P.E day will be every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure children come to school dressed in appropriate P.E clothing (including clothing for outdoor P.E). Year 5 are now over in the sports hall with Miss Harney.
Each week, spellings will be sent out via Ping. We expect that the children practise their spellings each night. Spellings will be tested the following Monday.
Children have their log-ins for Times Tables Rockstars and they should log on for 10 minutes each day. They have also been given log-ins for maths.co.uk and spag.com (these have all been stuck into the front of their homework books).
Reading books will be sent home each day with the children. We expect that the children read for at least 10 minutes a day at home.
Please ensure you are signing your child’s homework book daily when they have read, practised their spellings and accessed Times Tables Rockstars.
Do not forget to follow us on Twitter @StPetersYr5 for regular updates.