Welcome to Year 6!
This year, Year 6 will be taught by: Miss Penrose, Mrs Youd and Mrs Stirrup.
National Parks
In Geography this half term, we will be looking at National Parks. We will be covering Beatrix Potter in Art and Jane Austen in writing as they both have lovely links with the National Trust. We will be exploring why is is important to protect and conserve our 'breathing spaces'. Finally, we will compare our National Parks with those we can find in the rest of the world.
P.E in Year 6 is on a Wednesday afternoon. Children should come to school dressed in their P.E kits and sensible footwear to walk over to Oxford Park.
Spellings are Pinged out every Monday morning and we expect the children to practise this list daily at home for 10 minutes. They will be tested on the words the following Monday.
Reading books are sent home every day for children to read at home. In Year 6, we expect that children are reading for at least 10 minutes every night.
All children have log-ins for Times Tables Rockstars and they are expected to log on and practise daily. Again, 10 minutes please.
They also have log-ins for Maths.co.uk and Spag.com and Reading Plus. All log-ins have been stuck inside their homework books.
Please sign your child's diary daily when they have read to you, practised their spellings and been on Times Tables Rockstars. There is a sheet being stuck in every week and there is space for you to do this.