Upcoming Events

School News Feed
- Important22 October 2024NEWSLETTERHello, Please find our weekly newsletter attached: https://sway.cloud.microsoft/HgB8HSufAQbaTFmV?ref=Link Bonfire Tickets and Poppy Merchandise are now on sale (details attached). Our Harvest Service for Y1 - Y6 takes place on Thursday 24th October@ 9:30am at St.Peter's Church and all of our families are welcome to attend. Full School Uniform should be worn. It would be wonderful if all pupils could bring donations of tinned or dried foods for our Church Pantry. Pupils can bring these in on the day or they can be sent to main school office. Many thanks!
- Important21 October 2024HARVEST SERVICEHello, We are looking forward to welcoming our parents from Y1 - Y6 to St.Peter's Church on Thursday 24th October for our Harvest Service. Full School Uniform should be worn. Donations of tinned foods for our Church Pantry would be greatly appreciated. Pupils can bring these in on the day or they can be sent to main school office. Many thanks, Mr Colvin
- Important21 October 2024TIME TO APPLYHello, It is nearly time to apply for Reception 2025 and also High School applications Please find important information attached. The deadline for Reception 2025 applications is 15th January 2025. The deadline for High School applications is 31st October 2024. Many thanks
- Important16 October 2024HOLIDAY CAMPSActive Tameside is back this Autumn with Multi-Sports Holiday Camps. For more details and to secure your spot, simply follow the following link. https://eequ.org/tamesidefuel4fun Many thanks!
- Important14 October 2024NEWSLETTERHello, Please find our weekly newsletter attached: https://sway.cloud.microsoft/kX9tmObqwquN4uad?ref=Link Individual and Sibling Photographs will take place on Thursday 17th October. Full School Uniform should be worn on this day and pupils should be in their PE kits separately (if needed). Our Harvest Service for Y1 - Y6 takes place on Thursday 24th October@ 9:30am at St.Peter's Church and all of our families are welcome to attend. It be wonderful if all pupils could bring donations of tinned or dried foods for our Church Pantry. Many thanks!
- Important11 October 2024TODAYREMINDER: Today is a Non Uniform Day and donations of Jumble Jars would be greatly appreciated. These are small jars filled with toys, wrapped sweets, stationary etc (see below). It is also our first PTA or FOSP's meeting at 9:15am and it would be great to welcome new parents/carers. Please sign in at the main school office if you'd like to attend. Many thanks