Community Links

At St. Peter’s, we are ‘Growing and Learning together’ so we can become strong and dependable, just like the Mustard Seed, Matthew 13:32.
We foster effective working relationships with a number of stakeholders to ensure that all of pupils, parents/carers, staff and Governors are 'Growing' and 'Learning' together.
Curriculum/Cultural Impact:
- Heavily Subsidised trip budget. Trips include: Blackpool Zoo, Cadbury World and Museum of Science of Industry.
- Robin Wood Residential
- Theatre visits
- Local Authority Reading Volunteers
- Regular PCSO visits
- Annual Fire Brigade and NSPCC vists
- Y6 Safe Squad Visit
- Themed Weeks and Days
- Forest School Session
- Science Roadshows
- Participate in UK Partliment Week and Tameside Loves Reading Projects
- Baking Sessions
- Library visits
- Y6 Camp
- Artist in Residence
- DT ‘Wow Days’
- Author/Poet Visits
- Father Christmas Visits
- Books purchased for pupils
- Specialist PE, Dance, Music and Spanish sessions
- Extra-Curricular Sporting, Trinity, Music and Spanish clubs.
- Aspirations Week.
Parental Links:
- Dedicated Pastoral Team
- Food Bank and Christmas toy appeal support
- Open door policy
- Regular Workshops so that parents can support their children at home
- Subsidised Breakfast Club
- Home School Books in EYFS
- Half termly newsletters
- Friend's of St.Peter's (FOSP's)
- School Readiness Sessions
- Speech Leap SALT support
- Regular Parent Open Days/Craft sessions
- Church services and weekly celebration assemblies
- Regular text and Twitter updates.
Charity and Community Action Links:
- Willow Wood Hospice volunteers
- British Legion Wear Red fundraising
- Visiting local nursing home to sing carols
- Visiting Veteran nursing home to share acts of Kindness
- Lenten Fundraising
- Rukungiri Water Appeal
- Infinity Initiatives
- Comic Relief
- Children In Need
- Junior PSCO project
- Food Bank donations
- WWF/Australian Wildfire Donations
- Litter picking/Gardening
- City of Trees Project
Staff Links:
- Deputy Head and EYFS staff sharing practise
- Regular CPD tailored to school and personal priorities
- Assistant Head facilitating English networks
- Maths Network and Hub
- Sharing of RE practice
- Collaboration with Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School and Fairfield Road Primary
- Part of Lacey Green and English Hub to access additional phonics support
Diocese: - Y6 Leavers Service
- Attend updates and Heads/Chairs meetings
- Attend RE Hub/Networks
- Deputy Headteacher currently completing Christian Leadership Programme
- TA attending Mental Health First Aider training
- Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher are attending Diocesan Retreat
- Sharing practise through regular twitter updates
- Submission to Diocese Newsletter
- Hosting Diocese Networks
- [Participate in the Follow the Star/Posada schemes
Church Links:
- Trinity Club visit church
- Reverend Ben facilitates Collective Worship
- Termly School Services (Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Summer)
- Class visits as part of curriculum RE
- Joint fundraising
- Brigade Club use school grounds
- Promote church events [Mexican Night, Parish Christmas Service]
- Governing Body
- Experience Easter