What is Advent?
Advent is the time when Christians remember Jesus came into the world and that He promised one day to return.
When does Advent start?
Advent starts on the nearest Sunday to 30th November and lasts until midnight on Christmas Eve.
What happens during Advent?
Christians across the world prepare to celebrate the arrival of the Lord into the world through the birth of His son Jesus Christ. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness.
At St.Peter's during the Season of Advent we take time to carefully prepare the school community for the coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ at Christmas time.
We take part in weekly Advent Collective Worship linked to the following themes:
Week 1: Hope
Week 2: Peace
Week 3: Joy
Week 4: Love
The weekly themed Collective Worship includes the symbolic lighting of the Advent candle, scripture readings for that week, prayer, reflection and song. This year, we reflected on Week 4 in Church with Reverend Ben and our parents, carers and Governors. A number of classes performed and we shared the Random Acts of Kindness that have performed during Advent.
Alongside this, we also took part in special activities. Our EYFS made their own Advent art and loose part wreaths. They also erected a Nativity Stable in their class. KS1 and Y3 also performed amazing religious based nativities.
Children and staff also took part in Random Acts of Kindess. Our EYFS worked on their turn taking and sharing with help from 'Kindness Elves', Y6 visited Veterans at Broughton House Nursing Home. They took gifts and performed Carols. Our Y5 visited Moss Cottage Nursing Home with gifts and they also performed Festive songs. This act even featured in the local newspaper. Our Trinity Club delivered gifts to staff and they also made 'Reindeer Food' for the Reception children. Our staff also took part in a 'Music and Mince Pie' well-being session and they were served a Festive Breakfast on the last day of term by the SLT. As a school, we also donated toys and gifts for a number of our families.