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Year 3 will be taught by Mrs McCalmont and Mrs Ashworth.

Our topic this term is Stone Age to Iron Age.

We will be learning about the lives of Stone Age people and researching how we know.

We will be exploring cave art and conducting a study of Stone Age and Iron Age life based on historical sites and artefacts.

In English, will be using How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth and Stone Age Boy to inspire creative writing and recounts.

We will also be creating a non-fiction explanation about Stone Henge.


We will be using the fantastic Power Maths scheme for all our maths lessons, which will cover the entire Year 3 curriculum.

We will also be practising times tables weekly and taking part in weekly Big Maths arithmetic and mental maths sessions.

In Science, our topic is Rocks and Soils. We will be investigating the different types of rocks and soil and their purposes and uses.

In RE we are exploring the question What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?

We have PE on a Thursday with our PE coach, please send your child to school wearing their full PE kit. We also have dance on Fridays but do not need PE kits for this.



Spellings will be sent out every Monday. Please ensure your child practises these at home and your children will be tested in school the following Monday.

Times Tables

Please encourage your children to play on Times Table Rockstars every night for their maths homework


Reading books will be sent home each week with your child. Please encourage your child to read this and ensure you sign your child's homework diary daily when they have read.

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