Our St Peter's Libraries

KS1 Library
We understand the importance of reading and how this skills and love for the skill can enhance the educational development of our pupils and help them to contribute to the wider community. But our promotion of reading across KS1 is also heavily invested in develop our pupil's exposure to high-level language and to start to help them develop as readers; choosing books based on their likes and disklikes or genre and author. We have transformed this area, situated outside Y1 and Y2, into a space where pupils can take time out to relax, talk, and reading their chosen books in their own time. Take a look.
KS2 Library
In 2018 the library committee managed to bid for a recieve £1000 from our parent association to help restore the KS2 library which had become very rundown. From then, over the academic year the library committee, a group of 6 children from KS2, restored the library with the help of the library service to its former glory. We selected new books, new furniture, lighting, held book sales for old books and installed a new library system. This is now an area that is used by all classes and our library committee are currently in the process of training other pupils how to use the book system and how to check books in and out of the library. This is now an area that is full of high-quality texts and a space our pupils can use as relaxations to read or listen to some of our audiobooks.