Health and Wellbeing
Health and Emergency Address Forms
To enable us to know about your child's health and to be able to contact you quickly in the event of an illness or accident, it is essential that you complete a Health and Emergency Address Form. Please can you also let us know if during the school year there are any changes to the information you have given us such as a change in telephone number, address etc. These forms are revised each September at the beginning of the school year to ensure that the information we have on file is accurate.
Accident and Illness in School
If your child is involved in an accident or becomes ill at school, we will inform you as soon as possible. If we are unable to contact you or any of your emergency contacts we have in school, we will ensure that your child is taken to hospital by a responsible adult when we consider it necessary. Minor cuts and grazes are dealt with at school by a member of staff who is a trained first aider.
Medication in School
Normally children who are unwell should not be sent to school. If, however, your doctor advises that your child is fit to attend school, but requires medication, such medication should be given before or after school. If your child needs to take medication at lunchtime, please come into school to administer it, at school
Staff are unable to accept responsibility for the administration of medication. If you require further advice on this matter, please do not hesitate to visit school to discuss your concerns with the Headteacher.N.B. Reliever asthma inhalers are an exception and should be left in school, with your child, as necessary. It is essential that you complete an asthma form with a school first aider.
School Medicals
The nurse and/or the school doctor may on occasions visit the school to do health checks. Dental inspections are carried out each year and children's sight and hearing are also checked. Parental permission has to be given for any medical examinations.
If you have any concerns about your child's health you may ask for an appointment with the school nurse.
Please let us know of any major illnesses or health problems such asallergy, asthma, convulsions, diabetes etc. from which your child suffers or develops during their time at St. Peter's.