Our word Easter comes from Eostremonath, the Anglo-Saxon word for April, which in turn was named after the Pagan goddess Eostre. Rituals related to Eostre focused on new beginnings, and legend has it that she once found a wounded bird and turned it into a hare that retained its ability to lay eggs. But Christians celebrated the resurrection of Jesus long before the word Easter was used. They called the celebration Pascha, which comes from the Jewish festival of Passover. Jesus was sharing a Passover meal with his disciples on the day before he died.
Easter is what is known as a moveable feast, because the date changes each year. And it’s all because of the moon! Easter Sunday always falls on the first Sunday following the full moon on or after 21st March. If the full moon falls on a Sunday, then Easter is the following Sunday. Therefore Easter Sunday can fall anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th.
Making an Easter garden is another Christian tradition: a stone is placed across the mouth of a tomb before Easter, and then rolled away on Easter Sunday morning. Churches are often decorated with flowers, a beautiful contrast to the austerity of Lent. The Eucharist or Communion at Easter is a particularly joyful occasion, and many people see Easter as a time for baptism or renewing their baptismal vows. At St. Peter’s, we attend church for a special Easter Service where we reflect on Easter traditions around the world.
Before chocolate became popular, birds' eggs were given at Easter, painted in bright colours. Eggs symbolised new life: although they appear empty, like the tomb, birds hatch from them. For Christians, eggs are a reminder that Jesus rose from the grave, and that those who believe will experience everlasting life.
Early Christians stained their eggs red, in memory of the blood Jesus shed. By the Middle Ages, eggs for Easter were brightly coloured, like Spring flowers. In 1290 King Edward I ordered 450 eggs to be gold leafed and coloured to give as gifts.
Pace eggs are hard boiled eggs with patterned shells, given to friends and relatives as a gesture of goodwill. They are made by sticking leaves or flowers onto the shell and then boiling the eggs in water containing onion skins to stain them brown. The name comes from Pesach (Passover). Popular in the North-East of England, it was customary to jarp with the eggs before eating them - that is to knock your egg against your opponent's, with the idea of breaking it while leaving your own intact (rather like conkers).
Egg rolling is a popular Easter Monday sport. Rules vary, but the winner may be the one that rolls the furthest, survives the longest or reaches a target. It is thought the rolling egg represents the rolling away of the stone from Jesus' tomb. Easter postcards were first sent in late Victorian times, when a stationer added a greeting to a picture of a rabbit. The cards became very popular.
As chocolate became more widely available, chocolate eggs were produced. These were often brightly coloured, and were originally hollow. In Britain we now buy more than 80 million Easter eggs each year! Many children take part in an egg hunt, when small chocolate eggs are hidden for. Every year, at St.Peter’s with work the Friend’s of St.Peter’s (FOSP’s) we organise an Easter Raffle and art competition. All funds raised go towards our school fund and our chosen Lenten Charity.