Rukungiri Orphan Partnership
Our vision at St. Peter’s is ‘Growing and Learning together’ so we can be strong and dependable, just like the mustard seed and this underpins everything we do at school. As the Ethos Council or St.Peter’s Pebbles, we work hard to ensure that our Mustard Seed Ethos and Christian Values are lived out.
Every break time and lunch time, we display the Christian Values of 'Friendship' and 'Compassion' towards children in the playground who may be feeling lonely or finding it difficult to join in with their friends.
This year, we have been fundraising for the Rukungiri Orphan Partnership. The charity is a Christian organisation set up by Alice and John Tumusiime. The charity provides support for children in the Rukungiri district of southern Uganda. These children are a lot less fortunate then we are.
Alice and John founded Rukungiri Modern Primary School so that these children can get an education, which in turn will help them to improve their opportunities for the future. During 2019, we took part in a number of charity efforts. This included, non-uniform days, cake sales, ipad sessions and easter art competitions.
All classes, took part in extra fundraising during Lent. Lent is a special time as it allows Christians to remember Jesus's fasting in the desert. It is a time of doing more and a test of self-discipline.
On Monday 3rd February, we led a special Collective Worship which was attended by Governors and our FOSP’s team. During this worship, we presented Reverend Roger Farnworth who is a trustee of the Charity (a cheque for £674.47).