Remembrance Day 2019

On 20th November 2019, we led a special Collective Worship to celebrate the fundraising that they have carried out for the Royal British Legion. Thanks to our generous pupils, parents/carers and staff they raised £303.02. Allison Hardy from the Royal British Legion joined the worship alongside veteran’s David Arrand, Vera and Peter Wormall.
The Collective Worship was led by our Trinity Club, a group of Pupils who meet (with HTLA Mrs Beresford) in their own time. The group meet on a weekly basis to reflect on The Trinity and The Eucharist. The girls are real ‘courageous advocates’ and are currently in the process of setting up their own Food Bank to support the local community.
The group used our interactive Remembrance Altar and talked about the 2 minutes silence and ‘Wear Red’ day that they had organised on 11.11.19. They also shared the poem, Flanders Field and a prayer that they had written about peace. The worship concluded with our Mustard Seed Song which is linked to our vision of ‘Growing and Learning together so we can become strong and dependable, just like the Mustard Seed, Matthew 13:32’.
Pupils and staff were particularly moved by veteran David, who shared a moving poem on his own experiences of war.
See our School Twitter for coverage from the Tameside Reporter.