Australian Bush Fires
A message from our Ethos Council Members Tyler and Jade (17.1.20)
Tyler: We are members of Ethos Council.
Jade: Our vision at St. Peter’s is ‘growing and learning together’ so we can be strong and dependable, just like the mustard seed and this underpins everything we do at school.
Tyler:After our Picture News assembly, about the devastating Australian Bush Fire’s. We were moved and felt like we needed to do more, just like the Mustard Tree who welcomes animals and provides shade and protection.
Jade: Lots of children went away and wrote moving prayers and I adopted a koala.
Tyler: As, its been ‘Aspirations week’ and we have been reflecting on our careers and how we can make a difference. Ethos council decided to organise a non- uniform day. We made posters and let people know about why they should help.
Jade: We’d like to thank you all for your donations and support. You have shown so much of this half term’s Christian Value - love! We have raised £205 and all funds raised will go towards the Australian Bush Appeal and also the WWF so that we can become Koala Protectors. Each class will then get regular updates about their koala.
Tyler: We were also interviewed by Tameside Radio and Tameside Reporter Newspaper!
Jade: Mr and Mrs Meade then saw our artcle in the Newspaper and kindly matched our WWF donation in memory of their friend who they sadly lost. They attended a special Collective Worship and talked about how they were inspired by our fundraising efforts.