St Peter's Reading Corridor
We have created a space in our KS2 area that celebrates everything reading.
Our reading corridor provides a space for our pupils to read through a selection of themed reading material that is changed bi-monthly alongside admiring the reading and writing outcomes each year group has produced that is updated termly.
This page reflects and celebrates our ever-changing reading corridor and the fabulous work our pupils produce here at St Peter's.
Our Reading MINIONS
Please meet our reading minions - these well-loved creatures are loved by all members of St Peter's. They capture all the great learning of our pupils at St Peter's and often help our pupils write their reading corridor suggestions or are often used as good listeners for some children who stop at our reading coridoor for a quick chat with our funny-looking minions. THEY OFTEN LIKE TO DRESS UP TOO!
Reading Corridor Themes
Our reading corridor themes are changed bi-monthy. These themes are collectively chosen before each half-term with the reading committee and SLT. These themes are based on any topical themes such as 'Black History Month', 'International Women's Day', 'Earth Day'. These themes will always have a mixture of linked reading materials that are a variety of fiction and non-fiction accessible for all reading levels. There is always a pupil response book that have open ended themed questions to promote pupil reflection on the themes and any responses are welcome and celebrated in assemblies.
Year Group Book-Led Learning
Our reading corridor is also home for some brilliant year group displays. These displays are focused on the learning that has centred around the books the pupils are currently readying based on their topics. The pupils choose the work they wish to celebrate in the reading corridor and then pupils are encouraged to leave positive comments on these displays when passing through the corridor.
Take a look at the great work on display at the moment.