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Year 3 will be taught by Mrs McCalmont and Mrs Ashworth.

Our topic this term is Rainforests

We will be learning about the cimate and environment in the Amazon rainforest.

We will be exploring the causes and consequences of the rainfall and how it effects plants and animals that live in the rainforest.

In English, will be using the classic Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling to inspire creative writing and recounting action scenes between characters.

We will be using the fantastic Power Maths scheme for all our maths lessons, which will cover the entire Year 3 curriculum.

We will also be practising times tables weekly and taking part in weekly Big Maths arithmetic and mental maths sessions.

In Science, our topic is Plants. We will be invetigating plants and how they are structured. We will also be planting lots of plants and collecting data on them.

In RE we are exploring What Rules Should we Follow? exploring Christianity and how its beliefs and customs help to shape the lives of Christians.

We have PE on a Thursday with our PE coach, please send your child to school wearing their full PE kit. We also have dance on Fridays but do not need PE kits for this.



Spellings will be sent out every Wednesday. Please ensure your child practises these at home and your children will be tested in school the following Wednesday.

Times Tables

Please encourage your children to play on Times Table Rockstars every night for their maths homework


Reading books will be sent home each week with your child. Please encourage your child to read this and ensure you sign your child's homework diary daily when they have read.

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