Aspirations Week
St.Peter’s CE Primary School holds a week long project called ‘Aspirations Week’. During the week, we reflect on our St.Peter’s Mindset, Christian Values and personal qualities such as resilience, team work, determination, focus and drive. We also encourage the children to think about how they will contribute to their local and wider community when they are older - both through paid and voluntary work.
During Aspirations Week 2020, we were visited by a physiotherapist, our local PSCO’s, Tameside Council/Library service and J Dickinson and Sons (A waste management company). During our session with J Dickinson and Sons, we looked at recycling and reflected on how we can make a difference to the environment (see PowerPoint below).Also as we were so moved by the Australian Bush Fires, our Ethos Council organised a non-uniform on day. All funds raised went towards to the WWF and the Austalian Bush Fire Appeal.
During the week, we also worked with our Artist in Residence, Gillian Parish on ‘Aspiration’s Avenue' (see pictures above). Gillian used our reflections on our faith, career goals and Mustard Seed vision to produce an amazing installation.
For Aspirations week 2022 we used our amazing aspirations avenue painted by Gillian to help us reflect on our aspirations.
This year we had virtual visits from a Fireman, J Dickinson & sons, a waste management company, Alec Cane who is a concierge, and two of our lovely PCSO’s came to school to answer questions on their role in our community. Also our very own Mr Wilson also came to speak to some children about being a headteacher!
Look we even have an article in the paper!
The week not only provides us with some ideas for our future careers, but also shows us ways in which we can be valuable and responsible members of society