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Welcome to Year 2!

This year, Year Two will be taught by Miss Furness and Miss Crutchley and we will be joined this term by Miss Quiin.

Our topic this half term is 'Africa' We will be locating Africa on a world map and researching climate and what it is like to live there. We will be looking at traditional housing in Maasai Tribes and comparing them to our own homes. We will be researching what life is like for a child living in Africa, focusing on school days and identifying similarities and differences between our lives and school days.




Our English units this half term also focus on Africa. We will be reading 'Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain' by Verna Aardema, we will be focusing on the African animals beautifully illustrated in the story and writing a non-chronological report about an animal of our choice. Then we will be reading 'Lila and the secret of the rain.'  by David Conway and writing a first person recount of how Lila saves her village.



This year we are using the fantastic Power Maths scheme in our maths lessons.  This half term we are moving on to statisitcs and fractions. The children also have log ins for Times Table Rockstars. You can also log in at home so that they can practice their times tables at home too:https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student The same password can also be used to log in to your child's Numbots account.

Reading and Homework

Every Friday your child will bring home a reading book which is linked to the learning that week.  Please listen to your child read over the weekend and write a comment in their yellow reading diary.  Books need to be returned the following Monday.  

Please also check School Ping every Friday, the children will be sent two videos to watch as homework, which supports their Phonics and reading fluency.  Watching the videos will help your child to become more confident readers.

Weekly spellings will also be sent out via School Ping and will be tested weekly.


PE is every Tuesday with our PE coach Mr. Downs. Children should come to school in their school PE kit.  They also have dance lessons every Friday, but do not need PE kits for this.

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