EYFS and KS1 Mix
This year the EYFS & KS1 Mix will be taught by Miss McDermott & Mrs Barrie.
We work closely with the EYFS Team.
Our Topic for Autumn One is 'Who Am I'?
Pupils will spend time settling back into school life, continuing thier Read write Inc Phonics journey, exploring number and addition and also thinking qbout their families, friends and what makes them special. They'll also reflect on our Mustard Seed Vision and the Harvest Festival.
All pupils should have labelled wellington boots in school, a book bag and a water bottle.
Our PE Day is Monday and pupils should come into school in their PE Kits.
Read Write Inc. Home School Challenges (via Ping) and also Book Bag Books (Once pupils can blend) and Library Books will be sent out every Friday. Sound Cards are also sent home on this day.
Maths Homework Books are sent home on a Monday and these are to be returned on a Friday.
You can also find regular updates on our Twitter Page: @eyfsks1mixstpce.