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Reception 2023 - 2024

The EYFS team are Mr Colvin, Mrs Beresford, Mrs Carlsson and Miss Ghent. We work closely with Miss Black in our EYFS and KS1 Mix Class.

Our Topic for Summer Two 'What is under the sea?'

We'll continue to work on writing sentences, doubling, halving, subtracting and teen numbers. We'll also be reflecting on Eid, The Feast of St.Peter, Euro 2024 Football Competiton, The Olympics and the transition into Year One. 

All pupils should have labelled wellington boots in school, a book bag and a water bottle.

Our PE Day is Monday and pupils should come into school in their PE Kits. 

PE Kits are also required on a Tuesday for Project Touchline. 

Read Write Inc. Home School Challenges (via Ping) and also Book Bag Books and Library Books will be sent out every Friday. Sound Cards are also sent home on this day. 

Maths Homework Books are sent home on a Monday and these are to be returned on a Friday.

Please see Learning Environment Pictures to find out all about this half term. You can also find regular updates on our Twitter Page: @stpetersashton.

Indoor Learning Environment:

Outdoor Learning Environment:

School Ready:

Home Learning :

Counting Songs - 5 Little Ducks.mp4Counting Songs - 5 Little Men.mp4Counting Songs - 5 Little Monkeys.mp4Counting Songs - 5 Little Speckled Frogs.mp4

Speech and Language:

St Peters CE.mp4school ready 1(1)school ready 2(1)
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