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Reception 2024

Places have now been allocated for Reception 2024 and we arre looking forward to welcoming families!

Acceptance letters have now been posted out and in order to confirm your child’s place, we ask that all parents/carers complete and return the slip to St. Peter’s by Friday 26th April.

Parents/Carers are to also provide proof of address and proof of date of birth by Friday 24th May.

Induction packs will then be sent out once this has been confirmed.

Please note: If you wish to decline the place, please be aware that we cannot remove your child’s name from our list unless you have another allocated school. If you would like to decline the place, would you please email Paula Barnett in Admissions at: paula.barnett@tameside.gov.uk to inform her that you do not want to accept the place. Alternatively, please email St. Peter’s at: help@st-peters-ashton.tameside.sch.uk.

At St. Peter’s, we offer an extensive induction program that supports all those involved. This includes staff visiting your child in their nursery setting. We will be holding a Reception parent/carer and child meeting on Friday 28th June at 2pm. We will also have a parent/carer and child lunch on Thursday 11th July at 11:30am.

During our parent/carer session, we will introduce the new Reception staff and outline the curriculum, school routines and plans moving forward.

We look forward to speaking with you soon but if you have any worries before then, please do contact me at school on 0161 330 1691 or email:  help@st-peters-ashton.tameside.sch.uk.

Please also see our school twitter :@stpetersashton or the Reception 2024 Section of our website for pictures and updates of life at St. Peter’s CE.

Our School:



St Peters CE.mp4


Reception 2022.mp4

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