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Welcome to Year 4 with Mrs Todd, Mrs Barrie and Mrs Wassall!


World War One and The Ashton Munitions Explosion (The Blast)



In English, our topic is World War One and The Blast. We will be writing our own remembrance poems, researching and creating our own reports on The Blast and writing a recount letters about our trip to Portland Basin.


This year we are continuing to use the fantastic Power Maths scheme in our maths lessons which covers the entire Year 4 curriculum.  This half term we are focussing on Place Value and Numbers to 1,000. 

We will also be practising times tables weekly and taking part in weekly Big Maths arithmetic and mental maths sessions.



Our science topic is Materials. We will be looking at the properties of materials, the three main states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) and the changes between them. We'll investigate how to speed up evaporation.


PE in Year 4 is on a Thursday afternoon. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits.  


Spellings will be sent out through Ping each week (Wednesday) and will be tested the following Wednesday.

Reading books will be sent home each day and we expect that the children read for at least 10 minutes each day at home. Please ensure you are signing your child's homework diary daily when they have read. 

Children have their log-ins for Times Tables Rockstars and they should log in for 10 minutes each day. 

See our termly overview below to find out what we will be learning about in all subjects. 

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