Attendance and Punctuality
Regular attendance at school is essential. If your child is absent from school for any reason, please let us know on the first morning of the absence so we know your child is safe. We have computerised registers and to keep these up to date a member of staff will phone you to enquire the reason for absence if you have not contacted the school on the first day of the absence.
Absences are authorised by the school and not by parents or carers. The usual reasons for school authorising absences are illnesses, medical appointments, religious celebrations or on compassionate grounds.
Unexplained absences will be classed as unauthorised absences and may be investigated by a Tameside Education Authority Welfare Officer. If your child needs to attend medical or dental appointments, a note must be sent stating the time your child will be collected. When you come to collect your child please report at the school office. No children will be allowed out of school on their own.
It is important that your child is always punctual for school. Please make sure that your child leaves home in good time for school. Children who are late inconvenience everybody and it is difficult for them to catch up on work missed.
The school Breakfast Club is open at 8.00 am. to 8.45 am.
Children who do not attend the Breakfast Club should arrive at school no earlier than 8.50 am. when they will be supervised in the school playground from 8.50 am. Adults who bring the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children to school should not leave their child unsupervised in the playground. The child should be handed over to the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 staff. School starts at 8.55 am. [Foundation Stage at 9.00 am.] and all children need to be in their classrooms before 9.00am, when the register is taken.
For security reasons all external doors are locked at 9.00 am. If your child arrives at school after 9.00 am. they need to report to the main office. Please remember we would rather have your child in school late than not at all.