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PE and Sports Premium

At St.Peter's we are â€˜Growing and Learning together’ so we can become strong and dependable, just like the Mustard Seed, Matthew 13:32.

At St. Peter's, we are passionate about sport and aim to instil a lifelong love of sport, physical activity and healthy living to ensure that children can lead healthy and happy lives. They will have access to a wide range of sporting activities to ensure that all children are challenged and enthused as well as receiving high quality sports coaching from trained professionals. 

As well as curriculum PE, children will have access to additional sporting activities such as Bikeability (KS2) & Balanceabilty (EYFS) and range of after school sporting clubs as well as participating in various competitions in the wider school community. 

PE Expectations at St. Peter's


  • be prepared for PE
  • wear full PE kit
  • display good sportsmanship- be a good sport when winning and  losing
  • handle equipment properly and as instructed
  • participate with 100% effort
  • be honest and paitence
  • be willing to try new things
  • encourage team mates and the opposition
  • GIVE 100%


Swimming information for current Year 6 2022 - 2023 cohort

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